Can Polyamine levels contribute to digestive problems and weight gain?
Polyamine’s role in digestive problems
Your body needs polyamines in order to repair certain tissues, and to help you maintain a healthy nervous system. However, polyamines must be kept in balance if we are to remain healthy. Polyamines in high amounts can contribute to creating a toxic state in your tissues. Biochemistry textbooks commonly refer to polyamines as “dead flesh” proteins.
When living tissue is shocked, or dies, it’s protein structure cracks open. Bacteria or enzymes contained in the food itself subsequently convert many of the protein fragments into polyamines, and is why they are found in high amounts in injured or traumatized patients. Polyamines are also found in foods that are have been permanently altered—shocked by rapid freezing, overly processed, canned, packaged, and radiated. Certain types of plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes also contain high concentration of polyamines.
Indicators of high polyamine levels
There is no convenient direct method to assess polyamine levels, although you can use several other indirect measures as barometers of polyamine levels:
- High or abnormal serum albumin: Polyamine synthesis has a positive effect on albumin levels.
- High urinary indican: Large amounts of indicans are a sign of high bacteria counts in the upper intestine. High indican levels are associated with liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal health problems.
- Halitosis (Bad breath): If you experience persistent bad breath, despite diligent brushing and flossing, you probably, then it’s likely your polyamine levels are too high.
- Frequent headaches from fermented foods- (red wine, raw sauerkraut) Polyamines enhance the effect of histamines, which are implicated in certain types of headaches. Histamines dilate blood vessels, including those in the brain, which can then transmit pain throughout the head.
- Certain Grains- when consumed by certain blood types, such as when type O’s consume wheat, will increase your production of polyamines which can lead to inflammation, joint problems, bowel difficulties and difficulty losing weight.
- Several other problems such as odiferous stools, mental agitation, carbohydrate intolerance, fatigue can also indicate improper balance of polyamines.
Eating for your Blood Type can have an important effect in reducing your exposure to weight gain related lectins. If you follow your specific blood type diet, you can balance the proper amount of polyamines along with minimizing your exposure to lectins that are incompatible with your body. Eating for your blood type can give you more energy, greater mental focus and clarity, reduces stress and helps you lose weight. It is important to have a complete nutritional assessment which determines your blood type, secretor status, and genotype when it comes to choosing a diet that will create optimal health and wellness and allow us to age gracefully. Genotype refers to the genetic make up – this takes into account one’s genetic history. We perform this type of analysis in our office, which can help everyone, and help unravel some of the mysteries that some people of mixed race ancestry have also experienced when it comes to diet and their health.
SWAMI can help!
In our practice, we incorporate a detailed diet plan as an integral tool to optimize energy, decrease inflammation, and most importantly change the way your immune system expresses itself within the blood. We believe that each person has “biochemical individuality.” This means that we respond differently to foods and our environment. The food you eat can affect you negatively or positively, or be neutral. To build good health, you need to eat the foods that create positive effects for you.
To help patients turn their health issues and symptoms around by changing their diet and eating for their blood type, we develop a highly specific set of dietary guidelines complete with individualized recipes. This not only takes into account your blood type, but mitigates food allergies and sensitivities by helping you avoiding foods that are problematic for you. We do this with SWAMI GenoType software. This enables us to quickly tailor unique one-of-a kind diets, based on a person’s blood type, fingerprints, health history, biometric measurements and over ninety other variables.
SWAMI GenoType helps you to understand why certain diets that have been great for your friend’s ability to lose weight may have left you feeling less than well. It is a tool we use to help our patients select foods that work to build your immune system, blood, and entire body chemistry. You can read more about SWAMI on our website by clicking here: