Diagnosing Nutritional Deficiencies
The overall philosophy at Fundamental Health Solutions is that we view the lack of health as having its cause in nutritional deficiencies. We take our cue Dr. Linus Pauling, the only person in history who was awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes (Chemistry, 1954; Peace, 1962). Dr Pauling has stated that, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” While there may be other factors contributing to illness, the tipping point will usually have its foundation in a nutritional deficiency.
Determining Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional Deficiencies are determined on various levels. The simplest is done while taking into account both the patient history and information the patient is sharing, while observing the condition of the patient’s skin, edema, varicosities, and nails.
One of our Specialties is involves identifying nutritional deficiencies in a manner that allows us to apply the nutritional corrections so that the body can heal itself. Our comprehensive Bio-screen detects 67 biomarkers plus 13 items evaluated in urinalysis. This allows us to look at your results and compare them to metrics of where they should be.
We incorporate a number of beneficial procedures:
Blood Cell Microscopy Analysis (using a Darkfield Phase Contrast Microscope) and Meridian Analysis are both performed in the office during your visit, so that we can provide you with immediate results.
The TRIAD Blood Spot by Metametrix Labs for local or long distance patients. This test can be ordered by a doctor, then mailed to you where you can perform this test at home without having to visit a lab. An additional packet is used to collect a urine sample. This test is ideal for those who do not feel comfortable performing venipuncture, because it only requires a small sample of blood equivalent to the amount of blood diabetics use when performing home blood glucose testing. We can bill this test to your insurance (Medicare is not included). For specifics please contact our office.
Ph Balance of Blood
Looking at a patients blood also tells us about the pH balance of the blood. When we see solids such as plaque or uric acid (and to what degree they form), this indicates that the blood’s pH isn’t where it needs to be. Not only when solids such as plaque form in the blood can this indicate a less than healthy pH balance, but also that there may be oxidative stress. In humans, oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the development of many diseases or may exacerbate their symptoms.